
Brett Taylor


Brett is our man behind the scenes and is our editor in chief.

Brett works with all of our brides and grooms and manages our corporate partners under

With over 10 years of leadership experience and demonstrated success in the Wedding and Sports/Entertainment industry, Brett is there for you every step of the way and will help get the perfect coverage for your wedding day!

A father of 3 daughters, Brett balances time between a busy career and his Family. Brett is on multiple Boards and Committees, volunteer efforts, coaching youth sports and providing guidance and advice to the next generation of industry leaders.

Fun Questions!

How Long Would You Last In A Zombie Apocalypse?

Day 2 would be rough…..

What “Old Person” Things Do You Do?

Watch political debates and senate hearings

What Did You Think Was Cool Then, When You Were Young But Isn’t Cool Now?

Simple Plan was a better band then Led Zeppelin

If You Could Know The Absolute And Total Truth One Question, What Question Would You Ask?

Who killed Jeffery Epstein

If You Had A Theme Song, What Would It Be?

Hulk Hogans Theme song

What Do You Like More, Being A Leader Or A Follower?

Different caps for different situations. Whatever role I can play that will get the job done to perfection and everyone happy.

When You Have 30 Minutes Of Free-Time, How Do You Pass The Time?

Hang out with my kids and do what they want :)

What Do You Miss Most About Being A Kid?

Playing road hockey

What Fact Amazes You Every Time You Think Of It?

We have landed on the moon

 Would You Rather Go To A Club, House Party, Or A Small Get Together Of 4 Or 5 Friends?

A Small Get Together Of 4 Or 5 Friends

Using One Word, How Would You Describe Your Family?



Steve Macina

Steve is the talent in the field and behind the scenes as well.

Steve, along with our team of videographers and photographers have worked together for years as a team and it is that team of professionals that are there for you on your biggest day.

Spending his Winter’s in Düsseldorf, Germany with is Girl Friend is what Steve likes to do best after a busy wedding season.

Fun Questions!

Wierdest thing i've ever eaten?
Scorpion in Thailand, snake and fish eyes in Vietnam , fermented fish in iceland, my moms meat loaf

My pet peeve
Having a stain on my shirt.  The second I spill something I need to take my shirt off immediately and sort the situation out. 

My last meal in prison would be...
My Nonna's pasta with meatballs, and her chicken cutlets.
Maybe a nice fresh mango cut up too

Best concert Ive ever been to.
Tragically Hip's last show in Toronto.  Unbelievevably emotional

Travel, Sports (mainly hockey and soccer), films, Listening to music and making music.

The high frequency vibration caused by pulling a loose piece of hair out of a tight spot, Bad quality mp3's, condensed milk, birds

Live anywhere in the world?
I guess Toronto, since I'm still here, but maybe Amsterdam, or Spain

If I could have a beer with one person living or dead who would that be?
Neil de Grasse Tyson or John Goodman for totally different reasons

If you could be any animal, what would it be?
A chimpanzee for sure or a mountain gorilla. Those things are hilarious. I'd want to say a bird for its flight abilities but see above.

Learn any skill, what would it be?
I think piano. Everytime I see one I wish I could tickle the ivory.  And learn another language so I could have that one time people are talking bad about me in another language in an elevator and then say something witty back to them in their native tongue.



Life's Reel is a GTA-based company that specializes in creative wedding videography that truly sets itself apart by using top of the line equipment and your favourite soundtrack to capture the best moments from your wedding day. With a number of videography styles that range from cinematic to short form to storytelling, we have the style you want delivered in a number of final video formats you can choose from.

We believe in doing whatever is possible to make your wedding day a memory that you will cherish forever. We believe in providing every couple with a keepsake that their families will adore and friends will love. We believe in CAPTURING THE MOMENT! We provide High Definition video, backdropped by your favourite soundtrack to create the perfect film for you and your spouse.  It is much more then just filming a video to us, it is our passion to offer the highest level of quality work, and customer service around. Life's Reel is creative wedding videography.


Whether you'd like a quote, give us some feedback, or would like to inquire about our partnership program, please feel free to reach out.
